BANGLE - traducción al árabe
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BANGLE - traducción al árabe

Chudi; Glass bangle
  • 187x187px
  • Dancing girl of [[Mohenjo-daro]] (2300–1750 BCE)



إسوار ; سُوَار ; سِوَار

اسْم : سوار . خلخال
سوار جـ اساور ، خلخال جـ خلاخيل


·vt To waste by little and little; to fritter away.
II. Bangle ·noun An ornamental circlet, of glass, gold, silver, or other material, worn by women in India and Africa, and in some other countries, upon the wrist or ankle; a ring bracelet.



Bangles are traditionally rigid bracelets which are usually made of metal, wood, glass or plastic. These ornament are worn mostly by women in the Indian subcontinent, Southeastern Asia, Arabian Peninsula, and Africa. It is common to see a bride wearing glass bangles at weddings in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and in other Asian countries. Bangles may also be worn by young girls, and bangles made of gold or silver are preferred for toddlers. Some men and women wear a single bangle on the arm or wrist called kada or kara.

In Sikhism, the father of a Sikh bride will give the groom a gold ring, a kara (steel or iron bangle), and a mohra.

Chooda is a kind of bangle that is worn by Punjabi women on their wedding day. It is a set of white and red bangles with stonework.

According to tradition, a woman is not supposed to buy the bangles she will wear.

Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh is India's largest producer of bangles.

Ejemplos de uso de BANGLE
1. Still waiting for the jingle jangle of the gaoler‘s bangle.
2. "Chris Bangle has no sympathy with the far right or racist positions," said the spokesman.
3. "Mr Bangle will personally express himself shortly on the BMW TV web platform." Share this article: What is this?
4. He had a bangle on his left wrist and was wearing a black hat with a red Reebok logo.
5. Among the 41 wounded, there are three women (bangle sellers) and two children.